Chocolate Indulgence Cake

Salam semua,

Ohw sungguh tak berkesempatan nak update semalam sebab banyak sangat urusan yang perlu di selesaikan. Tambahan pulak semalam ada kelas yang agak penting, kalau tak pergi tak boleh nak siapkan assignment..hihi..

Neway, yesterday was my hubby birthday. So I baked this Chocolate Indulgence Cake. Kalau kat Malaysia, rasa2 teringin, boleh je lah beli kat Secret Recipe, tapi kat London ni mana nak cari Secret Recipenya.

Well, I must say that the process is quite tedious. So if...IF ada yang nak order, you must give me weeks of notice as last minute notice will never do.

Enjoy your cake !


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